by admin | December 23, 2019 3:34 pm | Health, Main, Well Being
I know it’s a little long today but worth it!
When you think about the things that your heart desires and the ways you can get them, there is a stream of joy that comes from deep within you that makes you take significant control of your life. It is like when you think of something or someone that makes you happy, your brain releases endorphins that give you that feeling of joy and happiness. It is these things that help us develop a positive attitude.
According to so many psychological studies, happy people have been shown to have an exceptional quality that allows them to live a better-quality life compared to those who are not. What do you think is the reason for this? Well, the answer is simple. Optimism.
The excellent news about optimism is that you can learn it. In other words, you can train yourself to have positive thinking by merely adopting a mindset full of optimism. According to the law of cause and effect, if you emulate what successful and happy people do, you will start feeling the same and get the outcome they have, hence end up enjoying the same experiences as they do.
How Do Happy People Find Good In The World?
One thing that you must realize is that optimistic people tend to handle situations differently from average people and those who are pessimistic. The first thing is that they focus their minds on the things they want and then work hard to find ways to get those things. In other words, you need to ensure that your goals are clear and have the confidence that no matter how long it will take, you will work hard to accomplish them.
Secondly, optimistic people see the good in every situation; however difficult it may seem. It is vital to bear in mind that things will go wrong at some point in your life, and trust me, that is a good thing! In every difficult situation, there is a dark side and a bright side, and you are the one that will determine what direction you would like to follow. The most important thing is for you to see the positive.
Instead of always looking for an excuse not to like something, choose to see the good in everything. Even in that job that you may seem not to love so much, there is something good in it, and if you look carefully, you will find it. The thing is, while you look, you will become more positive and happier.
Positive thinking only works when you train your mind to be positive and to have an attitude that you can achieve whatever you want in life. The truth is, the brain has been created to have adequate bandwidth to pay attention to one thing at a time. Your job is to keep your mind focused on thoughts that lift you long enough to create neural pathways that help in establishing a new habit.
When you start facing a negative situation or event along the way, remember that what matters most is how you respond to the situation. In other words, it is your response that will influence the outcome. It means that you must find a positive response even when things are not looking up. You can come up with positive affirmations or phrases you can repeat in your mind over and over so that you can overcome negative thoughts. It is this kind of words that will encourage you to have a positive attitude.
Decide To Be Happy
Being happy and living a positive life is a decision that you make. You can choose to see things as glass half empty or half full. Yes, things may not always fall in place. Bad situations will happen to you at some point in life, but that does not mean that you will never have it all. No one can say their life has always been a straight line. You will have some mountains, hills, and valleys along the journey of life. The trick is for you to enjoy every season and choose to count your blessings one by one instead of complaining about what did not go your way.
The people around you will, at some point, disappoint you, but that does not mean that they are bad people or that they hate you. When you look at everyone, choose to see the best intentions on their part. Trust me. Most people are striving hard to do the best the way they could. Instead of focusing on that small thing, they said that you did not like, why not look at the many right actions and words they have done to you before.
Finally, no matter what happens, decide to remain cheerful. In every situation, there is a hidden blessing underneath it. Your job is to find it!
Positive Attitude In Action
If there is anything life has taught each one of us is that when things are going well, it is easy to be happy. However, when we face unexpected setbacks, our faith is put to the test. It is during difficulties that we demonstrate to ourselves and the world around us what our sincere attitude is. Ensure that what you portray is a positive one.
Choosing to have a positive attitude will help you in more ways than you can imagine. When you think positively, your mind, whether conscious or subconscious, will not be able to entertain any negative thoughts or doubts. Once you learn how to think positively, there are so many amazing changes that will happen in your life.
Your brain will begin to operate a state of the abundant flow of feel-good hormones. It will make you feel like a heavy burden has been lifted off your shoulders and suddenly, you are light again. Additionally, you will notice a significant boost in confidence, and you will take on tough assignments that are outside your zone of comfort.
When you reduce your self-limiting thoughts, you release the brakes you have applied in your life and suddenly experience new levels of growth you have never imagined possible. In other words, when you harness the power of positive thinking, you change your whole life.
Let us consider a real-life example of the power of positive thinking.
A child runs outside to play with friends. It is through their running that they develop athletic skills. Interacting with friends through play helps the child develop a team spirit and effective communication skills. Their ability to explore the world around them goes a long way in building their creative talents. It is the simple act of playing with others that helps develop the child into a holistic individual equipped with skills that are valuable in their day to day life.
The truth is, it is these skills that last much longer than the emotion that stirred it up in the first place. Years down the line, it may be this athletic skill that will land them a scholarship as a college athlete, or their team spirit and communication skills that will help them do well in their role as a senior managing partner.
According to Fredrickson, this is referred to as the “broaden and build theory”. This is because, when you have a positive emotion just like a child, your sense of possibilities will broaden, and you’ll have a more opened mind. This, in turn, goes a long way in helping you build new skill sets that will prove to be valuable later in life.
Our Minds Create Our World
Look around you. What can you see? The truth is everything that you see around you, whether a chair or a human being, has been created and first perceived by the mind of an individual. In other words, whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can directly come into being. Well, some people may think that this is a poor positive thinking strategy that you have heard of over and over again. Up to this time, we had not been able to prove the power of positive thinking scientifically. However, today, we can do that with the help of quantum physics.
What quantum physics has unraveled to us about the human mind, perception, and beliefs about reality is that you can use your mind to alter reality to perfectly fit your viewpoint.
For instance, so many scientists have demonstrated that the universe is made from particles while another group argued that it is made from waves. After many years of arguments, they all decided to take a step back so that they can have a different perspective. It is then that they discovered that the universe was created from waves or particles based on the scientists’ expectations. If they expected that the world was formed from waves, that is precisely what they would see. And if they thought it was created from waves, that is exactly what it appeared to be.
In the same manner, you continue to believe that reality is as it is because you think that certain things are beyond your control. However, the truth is, the fact is as it is because you expect it to be that way. Funny huh?
Well, this same concept explains the reason why so many successful people place so much importance on the power of their minds and thoughts. In other words, they create their realities by what they believe and then go ahead to put their efforts on cultivating their mindset. This is what eventually leads them to phenomenal success and joy. Then you wonder why the average person blames other people for their circumstances and failures. The secret is to look deep inside for the source of both failure and success.
The critical question here is, “if your success in life is based on your mindset, what are you going to do about
by admin | December 16, 2019 8:30 am | Main, Success, Well Being
Time management should be one of the qualities that you should take very seriously if you are looking at your personal development. It is rightly said that a person who does not respect time does not respect his or her own self. Today, parents go all out to inculcate the values of time management in their children so that they can grow up to be better individuals who can gain respect in society.
How would one define time management actually? Is it about making a timetable and abiding by it? Or is it about allotting a specific time to do your daily tasks? Or is it about separating time for work, play, food and everything else that a human needs to do?
If you put it simply, time management is all about scheduling your tasks in any way that ensures their accomplishment. It does not matter how much time you allot to your tasks; the main thing is that you should be able to accomplish everything that you take up. There should be no wastefulness of time. Even entertainment and recreation—two very important human necessities—should be accounted for. When a person masters the art of doing that, they can be called good time managers.
Another important quality that people must have that dovetails with time management is prioritization. We take up various tasks, and we already have so many different things to do throughout the day. However, our time resources are limited. That is why prioritization becomes important. This ensures that we accomplish the most important tasks first. Which are the more important tasks? The tasks on which the fulfillment of other tasks are related—those are the ones that need to be prioritized. When you learn to prioritize, you automatically manage your time in a better way.
So, whether you are a housewife or you are the president of a country, it is quite essential that you learn to value time. Time is a finite resource that we have—it is our utmost responsibility to make the most of every second that we have and use it fruitfully for some kind of advancement, either our own or of the people and things we care for and love.
by admin | November 25, 2019 2:12 pm | Health, Success, Well Being
For the next few weeks, I’m going to focus on the power of positive thinking.
Do you view yourself as someone who has a positive outlook on life? Do you hope that good things are coming your way soon? Well, one thing that is important to note is that positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude. It pays a closer focus and interest on the bright side of life with the hope of having a positive outcome.
Having positive thinking does not mean that you should bury your head in the sand. It does not mean that you should ignore life’s painful and unpleasant situations. It simply means having the ability to approach life more positively and productively, even in the face of unpleasantness. Also, when things are not going your way, you keep your head up and look for hidden lessons and opportunities in bad situations!
It is important for you to notice that you have the power to change your mindset. It all starts with self-talk. In other words, you must begin by stimulating endless streams of positive thoughts running through your head. The truth is, these thoughts can take two forms; the negative and the positive, mainly because of most of what you think are derived from logic and reason. However, other self-talks may arise from having misconceptions and assumptions that result from a lack of information.
If you mostly have negative thoughts running through your mind, most likely, you are a pessimist. On the other hand, if most of the ideas you have about life are mostly positive, there is a good chance that you are an optimist. In other words, you are someone that exercises positive thinking.
When you focus on the positive, you will mentally anticipate good health, success, and happiness. You believe that even when faced with the most challenging and stressful situations, you will eventually overcome them. In other words, having positive thinking is not a concept that everyone believes in. Some people will see it as nonsense and scoff at those that believe in the power of positive thinking. The good news is that there are so many people who are slowly seeing the vital role that positive thinking has on their lives and believe that it is effective.
One thing that you must bear in mind is that if you want to use the power of positive thinking in your life, you must be more than just aware of the fact that it exists. You must be ready to adopt it in all your daily activities! There is so much research that reveals that positive thinking is not just about happiness and having an upbeat attitude. It is through positive thought that you can create real value in your life by establishing long-lasting skills that last longer than a mere smile.
by admin | October 14, 2019 7:03 pm | Main, Success, Well Being
4 Actions That Target Your Personal Growth
We all have areas where we want to improve; health, work, family, you name it. But reality sets in along with a busy schedule that doesn’t leave any space for quite a time, let alone individual development. We also rarely have the willpower we need to see it through. Or maybe we just don’t know where or how to start.
Not being able to define your own long-term goals will end up in a life that’s devoid of meaning or direction. You start losing that spark and the motivation to get up each morning wanes.
Experts define personal growth plan as “the process of creating an action plan based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting, and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, relationship or for self-improvement.”
An individualized growth plan can help you achieve the vision you have of yourself. It’s something we need to consciously think about and strive toward. If you don’t plan your own development and growth, no one else will.
Here are 4 steps you can take for a well-developed, easy-to-implement, personalized plan.
1. Know Thyself
In order to plan for the future, you have to reflect on your past experiences, your weaknesses, and strengths; they’ve made you who you are today. You also have to clarify your own unique values, such as integrity, respect for others, leadership, honesty. Your values define your stance whether it’s at the workplace, with family and friends, and in your romantic relationships. Moreover, there are several important questions you have to ask yourself:
- What do I want to become in life?
- What are my achievements up until now?
- What are my personal goals?
- What are my career ambitions?
- What steps have I taken to pursue these goals and ambitions?
2. Develop your vision
Once you’ve asked and answered these questions, you’ll have a clear vision of who you are and what you want out of life. This takes us to the second step; developing your vision. A smart tip is to provide yourself with several options to reach your next goal.
That way, if something goes wrong or you face an obstacle, you can switch to another path. Be flexible in your planning because usually, people tend to underestimate how long a certain project will take.
Another point people tend to not pay attention to is what they don’t want to do. If you’re at work, you can make a list of what-not-to-do, for example:
- Check emails as soon as they come in
- Keep too many tabs open at once
- Keep a cell phone on your desk
- Check social media while you’re working
3. Assess your present-day situation
Implementing your plan can be difficult at first. But with dedication and an eye on the prize, you’ll soon find that it becomes a daily habit. It was Jim Ryum who said, “Motivation is what get you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
Putting your strengths to good use will harness your energy levels so that it’s utilized efficiently. You can set up milestones along the way because smaller goals give you the motivation and drive you need to get to the big ones. And each time you reach a milestone or achieve one of the small goals, reward yourself for your hard work.
4. Review your progress
Each project needs to be reviewed and assessed, and your exclusive growth plan is no different. You can do it on a monthly basis, or every couple of months, whatever feels comfortable for you. But it’s crucial that you take a step back and look at all the hard work you’ve accomplished.
Check to see if you’ve left anything out or missed any deadlines. Or maybe the mini-goals you set up last time don’t fit your criteria any longer, they need tweaking or readjusting. Reflect on your experience and consider everything you’ve learned. This will ensure that you keep moving forward according with your long-term plan and the vision you’ve set up for yourself.
On a final note, you can draw up the perfect plan but if you don’t follow through, you won’t get anywhere. Everyone needs practice to develop and grow, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Having something to strive toward can renew your self-confidence and passion for life.
by admin | August 26, 2019 2:18 pm | Health, Main, Success, Well Being
Creating a work-life balance can be tough. It is very hard to find the delicate balance between a happy boss and a happy home life. There are a few things that you should do both at work and at home to create a balanced life.
Because this is such an important topic, it has been covered by groups like Mental Health America, Web M.D., Forbes, and Business News Daily. Instead of sending you all over the Internet to try and find some tips to help you manage your time and create a work-life balance we’ve combined them into five tips that you can create a more balanced life both at home and at work.
One of the best routine tools to use at work is to make a list of tasks based on priority. Prioritizing your work allows you to get the most important things done and using a checklist allows you to see what you have achieved during the day. Having a daily routine will make you less stressed about what you will do each day at work.
Routines are great for home as well. They let everyone know what’s going on and when. However, sometimes you need downtime too. Don’t be afraid to allow yourself and your family some downtime. You can even put it on the calendar if you want to. Scheduling in downtime for you and your family is a great way to make sure you all are able to relax and bond together.
If you can telecommute to work especially on days where you are sick, your children are sick, or the commute will be extra-long due to weather or outside circumstances. Telecommuting is a great way to provide your employer with what they need while giving you some breathing room.
Many of us think we don’t have the ability to say no at work. This results in taking on too many tasks, working overtime, and being stressed about not being able to get everything done. If there’s a job you know, you won’t be able to get done or that you are not suited for say no. You may be surprised at how well this is received by your employer.
It is important to learn how to say no to social events and home life events that will be too taxing as well. Maybe you have social obligations that are just too draining or don’t allow you enough time with your family in the evenings. Cutting these out will help you find balance.
- Learn Your Employer’s Policies
Learning leave, vacation, sick, and disability policies are paramount. Also, learn what telecommunication systems your company has in place. If there aren’t any, you may need to ask. This will alleviate any stress if you need to use vacation or sick days or if you need to telecommute.
If you have children, learn their school’s policies too. Knowing the procedure for turning in sick notes, calling out for the day, or showing up late is going to save a lot of headache for both you and them!
Let your employer know what’s going on. Let them know where you’re at on individual projects if you’re going to be on time ahead of deadline or behind on schedule. Communicating these vital elements to your employer will alleviate stress on the job.
At home, communication is essential. This is even more so if there are marriage and kids at home. Make sure you are letting everyone know what is going on with you. In addition, you need to know what is going on with everyone else.
Set a family meeting once a week to discuss upcoming events, stress points, things that may need planning and other elements of life that could cause stress if not well planned. This simple act will aid in your ability to find that balance between work and home.
These five steps will help you find some balance in your busy life. What are some ways that you have found a balance between work and home that weren’t on our list?
by admin | July 8, 2019 1:35 pm | Main, Success, Well Being
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